Video Guides

Configuration of Notifications

Last Updated: 17/11/23, 09:53 | Digital Card, Settings

The notification sending feature is available on Epsilon Smart Ergani Advanced subscriptions.

To configure notifications you will need to navigate to the Settings – Alerts menu.

Here you can see the types of notifications to be activated and the relevant parameters.

Depending on the type of notification, you can enable email and/or Viber/SMS to be sent to the system administrator and/or employees.

Alerts through Email to administrator or employee is provided with the ergani advanced subscription. To enable sending SMS/Viber notifications you will need to purchase a message package via epsilon messaging. See the instructions for purchasing and connecting to epsilon messaging HERE.

Use the edit button  IconDescription automatically generated and then, in each type of notification, the button

can be used to activate the notification and the type of alert you want.

Use the buttons to save or cancel any changes.

The button can be used to automatically check the correctness of the required data for each type of notification.

Specifically, if you have selected administrator alerts, the correctness of the email and/or mobile phone of the user you have designated as the system administrator is checked. If you have selected employee notification, the correctness of the employees’ email and/or mobile phone numbers is checked. See how to update employee information HERE.

Upon completion of the check, if incomplete or incorrect information is found, it will appear in an informational message, with a reference to the user and/or employee involved.

Then in the Parameters tab, you can set the parameters under which notifications will be sent.


Job scheduling extension interval for clock in/out detection: Indicate (in minutes) the work scheduling extension interval, i.e. how long before and after the employee’s working hours the check will be carried out in order to detect entry/exit activity.

Distinct limit: Indicate (in minutes) the time from the first movement within which, if other movements are found, they will be considered as one movement (the acceptable time is derived from the first movement). E.g.. If you declare a value of “5 minutes” and entry/exit movements are found with times 08:05, 08:06 then these movements constitute one movement and 08:05 is taken as an acceptable movement.

Before work start limit: Indicate (in minutes) how far in advance of the start of business hours an entry movement is acceptable and no notification is generated. E.g. if the opening hours are 08:00-16:00 and you have declared a tolerance of 15 minutes, a movement from 07:45 to 08:00 is acceptable and no notification is generated.

Tolerance interval for characterizing exit time as exact: Indicate (in minutes) how much earlier or later from the end of business hours the exit movement can be to be within acceptable limits. E.g. if the working hours are 08:00-16:00 and you have declared an exit time characterization tolerance of “15 minutes”, a movement from 15:45 to 16:15 is acceptable.

Before work end limit: Indicate (in minutes) how far in advance of the end of work (based on attendance and work duration) an exit movement is acceptable and no notification is generated. E.g. if the working hours are 08:00-16:00 and you have declared a tolerance of “15 minutes”, a movement from 15:45 to 16:00 is acceptable and no notification is generated.

After Work End Limit: Indicate (in minutes) how much later than the end of work (based on attendance and work duration) an exit movement is acceptable and no notification is generated. E.g. if the working hours are 08:00-16:00 and you have declared a tolerance of “15 minutes”, a movement from 16:00 to 16:15 is acceptable and no notification is generated.

Before overtime 1 limit: Indicate (in minutes) how much later than the end of hours plus the overtime hours(assigned to the employee), if no exit movement is found, then a notification will be generated.

Before overtime2 limit: Indicate (in minutes) how much later than the end of hours plus the overtime 1 and overtime 2 hours(assigned to the employee), if no exit movement is found, then a notification will be generated.

Indicate (in minutes) how far the work duration resulting from input/output movements can be from the work scheduling duration to be within acceptable limits. E.g. if the working time is 8 hours and you have declared a tolerance of “15 minutes” and the working duration resulting from the movements is from “7 hours and 45min” to “8 hours and 15min”, then this is considered acceptable.



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