Video Guides

Digital Card

Card Scanner Specifications

  Mobile Device Specifications (Mobile or Tablet) The Epsilon HR Card Scanner Mobile application is compatible with Android and iOS devices. (...

Type D Alerts

D1: Failure to upload to EPGANI due to incorrect data If the D1 alert is activated, the user receives an alert in cases where an employee movement...

Type C Alerts

C1: No arrival Type C alerts do not require any movement to generate an alert. The C1 alert is generated in cases where the employee does not show...

Type B Alerts

Β1: Early Arrival An alert is generated when an entry movement is detected, the application compares the employee's entry movement with the working...

Type A Alerts

All type A alerts, if activated, inform the employee, offering them the opportunity to cancel their movement. In the event that they decide to...

Mass Employee QR Code Print

Within Smart Ergani in the Employees menu, by clicking on the top right of the Actions button there is the option Print QR Codes This option gives...