Video Guides


Last Updated: 10/03/23, 15:43 | Checkin-Checkout, leaves

On the leave screen, the active employees of the company are displayed in calendar format vertically, and horizontally the days of the current week/month. 

In each cell of the calendar, the employee’s leave for that day is displayed if it exists.

The days preceding the beginning of the previous month from today carry the indication  , as they are not available for a leave record.

Use the search button ,  to select individual employees from the set, taking advantage of the record filtering functionality provided by the list. 

Use the buttons, to set the calendar format to week or month level respectively. 

Use the    buttons, to move to the next or previous week/month. 


To enter or change leave, select the employee and day pairing cell and then theGraphical user interface, textDescription automatically generated  or A picture containing graphical user interfaceDescription automatically generated button, respectively.

To select more employees, select the appropriate cells. 

The “Create Leave” action is activated when a cell that has no license is selected. In this case it is allowed to select another cell that has no permit or has an hourly permit. 

The “Edit Leave” action is active when a cell that already has a recorded leave is selected, in which case no other cell is allowed to be selected. 

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