Video Guides

Type B Alerts

Last Updated: 15/01/24, 12:53 | Digital Card

Β1: Early Arrival

An alert is generated when an entry movement is detected, the application compares the employee’s entry movement with the working hours declared in the “Work Plan” tab.

The alert takes into account the “Before work start limit”, which can be configured from the “Parameters” tab. This alert can notify both the manager and the employee via SMS/Viber and/or email.

Example: The employee has declared working hours 9:00 – 17:00, when he/she makes an entry movement at 8:20 the notification “Early Arrival” will be generated


Β2: Late Arrival

An alert is generated when an entry movement is detected, the application compares the employee’s entry movement with the working hours declared in the “Work Plan” tab.

Τhis Alert occurs when the employee makes an entry movement after the start of working hours and if the Flexible Work Start (in minutes) set by the accountant within the payroll program has elapsed.

This alert can notify both the manager and the employee via SMS/Viber and/or email.

Example: The employee has declared working hours 9:00 – 17:00 (Flexible Work Start (in minutes) 20 ) , when he/she makes an entry movement at 9:21 the notification “Late Arrival” will be generated


Β3: Early Departure

An alert is generated when an exit movement is detected where the employee has left the workplace without having completed the total number of hours based on the registered working hours.

To generate the alert, both entry and exit movements are required in order to calculate the working hours for the current day.

The application compares the number of hours the employee should have worked, based on the declared working hours and the parameter “Before work end limit”

This alert can notify both the manager and the employee via SMS/Viber and/or email.


Β4: Late Departure

An alert is generated when an exit movement is detected where the employee has left the workplace after not only having completed, but also exceeded the total number of hours based on the registered working hours.

To generate the alert, both entry and exit movements are required in order to calculate the working hours for the current day.

The application compares the employee’s declared working hours with the exit movement, taking into account the parameter “After Work End Limit”

This alert can notify both the manager and the employee via SMS/Viber and/or email.

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