Video Guides

Automatic Submission of overdue Clock Ins/Outs

Last Updated: 15/11/24, 10:51 | Settings

You can activate the automatic submission feature for overdue clock ins/outs from the Settings menu in the tab Other. To activate the parameter, first select the edit   button at the top right and then at the “Υποβολή εκπρόθεσμων κινήσεων με αιτιολογία” option select YES. In the “Αιτιολογία εκπρόθεσμων κινήσεων” field select one of the three available options and save using the  button at the top right.

Activating this parameter meant that the smart ergani system will automatically submit any clock ins/ clock outs that are considered overdue, giving them the selected reasoning for the delay. This feature serves to save the user having to manually report and resubmit and hits that are overdue in their submission, mostly due to internet or other technical issues.

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